Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CBSE Class 12th Questions Papers Available at Extramarks

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is the main board of education in India for school level education. This board of education conducts the All India Senior School Certificate Examination every year for students who complete their twelfth grade, and this examination serves as the basis for them to pursue their higher education, once out of school.CBSE is one of the most preferred boards in India. It follows the national curriculum along with additional subject matter. Both class 10th and 12th Board exams have great significance in student’s education. The 12th board results act as a deciding factor during the admission process and for some government jobs, they are the basis of recruitment. Students nowadays find passive teaching methods boring and hence don't show much interest in academics which results in parents enrolling them in tuitions or coaching institutions so that their children are able to learn and understand the concepts taught to them at school. However, this doesn’t do much to alleviate the issue at hand. What the students require is audio and video-based interactive learning which makes them participate and thus understand concepts that were impossible due to the passive learning method. However, it's not such an easy task as one requires good study materials with proper explanations, proper practice, and unwavering devotion. Extramarks endeavours to help students achieve the success they desire by providing them with study materials based on CBSE 12th grade syllabus prepared by the top-notch faculty across India, previous year CBSE 12th question papers for practice and analyzing the patterns of the paper and sample papers based on the previous year question papers to prepare students some more.